Chaos Theory |
Recently life seems to be complete chaos at home. Oh how crazy things are. We are not extremely busy with projects, events, sports or education. But with a very energetic, active, independent, dependent, stubborn, and many other applicable descriptors that we can use to describe our five year old, a terrible three year old, and a soon to be two year old, things can get a bit crazy. Just getting these three cleaned, dressed, fed, entertained and put to bed takes all of the energy, concentration, creativity and patience that Mommy and Daddy can muster. Recently we have agreed on another quality that we will need to survive:
tenacity. It's like a marathon where we are contenders for the prize and we have to make calculated surges and attacks all the while keeping in mind that we have to keep enough in reserve to make it to the finish. And they say the course is getting longer these days and the finish line farther away. But that is a different topic.
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