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How to Download Gdocs with Asian characters in the Title

This works for Japanese so I am assuming it will work for other Asian languages such as Chinese or Korean (Hangul?). I know that other people have the same problem.

Update (Feb, 28, 2012: I've just recently discovered that if you use 7-zip, and possibly any other third-party decompression/archive utility, and not the default MS Windows unzip utility, you can unzip the zipped downloads that come from Google Docs without the file names being scrambled.   I thought you might be able to use any other third-party utility so I tried using +Lhaca popular here in Japan to unzip the files and it didn't work.  +Lhaca doesn't support Windows Vista+, so maybe this has something to do with Windows XP support for Unicode and is not a problem with Google Docs like I assumed??

Update(February 29, 2012): The default unzipper for Windows 7 doesn't handle these zip files well either.  They still get unzipped with their file names garbled.

Get 7-zip here.

When you download documents from Google Docs that have Japanese in the title, the Japanese is turned into under-bars.

If you use Firefox, you can use the Google Docs Download (gdd) greasemonkey script with the DownThemAll (dta) add-on to download your files and keep their file names in tact.

In dta , make sure the naming mask is set to *text*.*ext*.

This works for me and I hope it works for you.

Greasemonkey https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748

The GDD Greasemonkey script http://1st-soft.net/gdd/

DownThemAll https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/201

I originally got this hint from the Google Operating System blog here

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