I have started reading some articles about Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning by Greg Thomson. I have found them on a site called
Language Impact's Language Learning Website. I have just finished reading Thomson's
What? Me Worry About Language Learning? article. In it he talked about his experience and trails trying to learn new languages. In particular he talked about his experience and how he went about trying to learn Blackfoot. He also talks about why some people may be better at learning languages than others and why some languages may be more difficult for one person than another. It was very interesting for me and enlightening. The main gist of the article, other than being a primer for one who is thinking about starting to learn a new language, is that you have to have a good strategy. He says that a good strategy would include
- a time commitment,
- making yourself accountable,
- ways to keep improving your conversational ability, and
- a way to develop lots of relationships with speakers of the language you want to learn.
The first two should not be too difficult for most people to accomplish. The second and third strategies seem a bit more difficult. What if there are no or very few native speakers of the language you want to learn?
Well, anyways, I hope that this new insight into language learning will help me develop better activities and methods for teaching English. Although one of the things that he repeatedly stresses is that it is extremely difficult to learn a second language in a language class. 頑張るぞォ
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