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Timex Ironman Triathlon Shock

前に使っていたタイメックスのバンドが切れて、やっと新しいウォッチを手に入れました。サンタさんからのプレゼントでした。まだレースペーストレーニング はしないけど、するようになったら役に立つでしょう。
Yes, I know, Christmas is over. But I was without a computer for the last month so I am posting this now. I didn't get a lot for Christmas, which is fine since I'm 35 now but my kids did get plenty of new toys and children's educational DVDs from my parents and their aunts and uncles and great grandmothers. As for my wife and I, we both got pretty much what we asked for. What other time of year can you expect that someone will buy you something that you want?

The band of my previous Timex Ironman watch, which I just loved, broke after over two years of use. Timex does not sell replacement watch bands. So I put this watch you see here on my wishlist for Christmas and, look what Santa brought me! A new one! Yeah! Of course, this isn't the same watch as my old one, which was much cooler, but I can replace the band on THIS watch with a band from Voguestrap. However, for the life of me, I could not find a replacement watch band for my old Ironman.  Vogestrap's watch bands are also available at Target and Walmart in the US, so if you have one of those stores nearby buying one there could save you a bit on shipping. However, when you order one directy from Voguestrap they come with a special tool for replacing the watchbands.  Also, the watchbands for the Timex Ironman watches are more expensive than the one's for the Casio sports watches but the one's for the Casio watches also fit the Timex Ironman watches and look fine.  I got a Casio replacement band at Walmart first to use instead of the velcro watch band that came with it and it looks like it is the band the watch is supposed to have.  Later I found a watchband at Target for my watch and it was 5 or 6 dollars more but I bought it too.  So now I have three watchbands for this watch should one break and I will dutifully keep them out of the sun in hopes that they will still be good when I need them.

Note:This watch takes an 18mm watch band. 

Update: I found the Casio replacement band on the Voguestrap website too.  The band I bought that was sold for my watch broke when I was trying to put it on and have been using the Casio band ever since.  It has been almost a year since I got the band and now the rubber in the band is starting to get stiff.  I can tell that it doesn't have much life left in it so now it is time to think about getting a new strap, or a new watch.  

My new watch is a Timex Ironman* Shock 30-Lap Full and it came with a Fast Wrap Velcro Strap.  With the other one, I could not find a replacement band for it. So, I carefully put watches on my wish list that I knew I could get replacement bands for. It is not the color I wanted but beggars can't be choosers and I will cherish it and my extra watch bands for as long as they will "take a licking and keep on ticking"!

It is water resistant up to 200 meters, shock resistant, has a timer and a chronograph with a 30 lap memory. It also has two time zones. Just a few less functions than my old one. It is also slight less bulky and a lot less cool. But one of the things I like about this one is that it reminds me of the original Timex Ironman watch, the one that I really wanted as a kid. It just looked so cool back then. Now, I know there are a lot of more advanced watches out there from other brands, watches that have GPS and heart monitors and watches that can store many runs and as many laps as you want, but I'm a simple runner and this watch meets all my needs.

My new watch
Timex Ironman* Shock 30-Lap Full

My old watch


第2回 北海道・十勝トレイルランニング



登り、下り、泥道、水辺を渡り、ミニミニ仙郷を飛び越えたり、私にとってはチャレンジいっぱいのコースでした。普通のロードレースよりずっと面白いし、すっごくいい運動でした。タイムがよかったのはおそらく下りが多かったからだと思います。 いい運動になりました・・・というよりも、かなり筋肉痛になりました。これで筋肉が少しは鍛えられたでしょう







JOYFIT 北海道・十勝トレイルランニング

Tokachi Millennium Forest Trail Run

I ran the 2nd Annual Tokachi Millennium Forest Trail Run (my translation) on Sunday.

It was 18 kilometers of up and down, mud, rocks, biting flies, mini ravines, water crossings, and bear bamboo grass, called "sasa" here. (kuma zasa)). Luckily(?) I was able to keep out of most of the mud. But the sasa is another problem. They cut out some new trail for the run which left the cut sasa at about 5 cm to 10 cm tall. It was like running on .... what? The sasa stalks are strong enough that they may or may not be crushed when you run on them. And they are hollow like straws. My new shoes have little round circles and cuts all over the soles where there is no rubber and just foam. Depending on your shoes, I can imagine that some people got cut by the grass stalks.

The terrain was all hills with only a few "flat" spots that only lasted 10 to 20 meters or so. Steep uphill climbs and long down hills with a section of mini ravines where event staff were posted to make sure you didn't fall head over heels into them. You had to either jump over them or gingerly climb in and out of them. One had a rope on both ends for climbing into and out of it.

Some areas were covered with grass and golf ball sized lava rock that was for the most part, hidden under the grass.

This was only the 3rd time I've ever run on a trail but it was great fun and a great challenge.

My time was much better than I expected. I don't know if that was because of the downhills or if perhaps, it wasn't actually 18 km. But since the course was different from the previous run of this event, it is hard to compare.

No pictures as I ran without a camera or phone. Sorry, but the view from the top of the mountain there was spectacular.

My legs felt like jello at the half way mark, which was the only distance marker, and my quads were sore by the finish. Today my quads, my shins, my calves and even the bottom of my feet are sore! The bottom of my feet haven't been sore in a long time.

During the downhills I could tell how having a strong core is important. That is my weak spot. Need to work on that.

If they didn't charge for access to the trails I'd drive out there for more regular runnings on the trails. What great exercise. You don't get a work out like that on the road! If only there were some trials nearby.
I hope everyone else had a great weekend. I did.

JOYFIT 北海道・十勝トレイルランニング


Eat 5g of dark chocolate for more endurance

Everyone knows that I love chocolate. The teachers that I work with know. The students who I teach know. And now I have another great reason to eat chocolate! It turns out that something in cocoa, epicatechin, helps increase time to exhaustion in mice. Mice who took liquid epicatechin can run 50% longer than mice who took an equal amount of water. I read this on the New York Times Well blog. You can find the article link here: How Chocolate Can Help Your Workout.

But here is the problem, we humans could possibly get a similar effect from just 5 grams of dark chocolate a day! Just 5 grams a day! Why not more? If you take too much it doesn't help and may even hinder the effect. 
In another article from 2007, it was said that this compound epicatechin, which is a flavonal, is so important that maybe it should be considered an essential vitamin! OK. I got it! I need to get some dark chocolate and have a bite whenever I go out for a run from now on!







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