ワイオミング マラソン
最近、ワイオミング マラソンのホームページを見て感動しました。なぜかというと、すべてのランナーはボトル持参が義務付けれているからです。水とスポーツドリンクや食べ物は提供されますが、紙カップはありません!後は、ごみなどをポイ捨てするランナーは失格となります。コース上など、大会での忘れ物はすべてチャラティ団体に寄付されます。順位はありません。年齢別の種目もありません。完走されるすべてのランナーは勝者です。オンラインで登録できるのはすごくないかもしれませんが、レース当日の二日前までオンライン登録ができるのはまだ北海道で見たことがありません。
この大会はワイオミング州の国有林を通ります。距離は5kのWalk & Run、ハーフ、フルとダブルがあります。はい、そうです。ダブルです。42.195の倍の83.39kmのウルトラマラソンです。いつか参加してみたい大会ですね。
この大会はワイオミング州の国有林を通ります。距離は5kのWalk & Run、ハーフ、フルとダブルがあります。はい、そうです。ダブルです。42.195の倍の83.39kmのウルトラマラソンです。いつか参加してみたい大会ですね。
Remembering Who Is Responsible for Your Language Learning Success
いい記事を読みましたので紹介したいと思います。言語学習についてその方法を考えるwww.languageimpact.comのReid Wilsonが書いた"Remembering Who Is Responsible for Your Language Learning Success"です。題名は「言語学習の成功はだれの責任か」みたいな意味です。その筋の内容で書かれた記事なんですけど、自分なりに翻訳してみましたので、是非、原本とともにでも、読んでみてください。
私はアメリカで中学校と高校を合わせて5年間フランス語を学びましたが、その時間や努力の割には、あまり話せるようにならなかった。ずっと高校のフランス語の先生 - フランス語の話す国にあまり長い間を滞在したことがなくて、そして生徒の前にフランス語を話すことを拒んだ先生 ー のせいにしていたが、数十年経った今、自分の経験を振り返って考えてみれば、自分の言語学習の根本的な考えが不十分でした。
今は自分の成功は自分の責任という根本的な原理は分かっているし、新しい言語を学ぼうとするときにその原理を応用します。 もし、いい先生にめぐり逢えたらプラスだけど、先生があまりよくなかった場合、それは言い訳にはなりません。なぜなら、現代は外国語を学ぶための教材などがたくさんありますから。
From: "Remembering Who Is Responsible for Your Language Learning Success"
私はアメリカで中学校と高校を合わせて5年間フランス語を学びましたが、その時間や努力の割には、あまり話せるようにならなかった。ずっと高校のフランス語の先生 - フランス語の話す国にあまり長い間を滞在したことがなくて、そして生徒の前にフランス語を話すことを拒んだ先生 ー のせいにしていたが、数十年経った今、自分の経験を振り返って考えてみれば、自分の言語学習の根本的な考えが不十分でした。
今は自分の成功は自分の責任という根本的な原理は分かっているし、新しい言語を学ぼうとするときにその原理を応用します。 もし、いい先生にめぐり逢えたらプラスだけど、先生があまりよくなかった場合、それは言い訳にはなりません。なぜなら、現代は外国語を学ぶための教材などがたくさんありますから。
From: "Remembering Who Is Responsible for Your Language Learning Success"
I ran 100k!
I participated in the 23rd Annual Saroma Lake 100km Ultra Marathon on June 22nd and I finished it too!
My wife bought me a cake to celebrate. The cake says, congratulations in Japanese.
My wife bought me a cake to celebrate. The cake says, congratulations in Japanese.
Make Mistakes
I was reading a mailing list for bilingual families, the Bilingual Families mailing list today and there was an interesting post that caught my eye. Normally I don't have time to even open the messages but I opened this one. A 17 year old had just joined the list and was introducing himself. He is a bilingual Spanish-English speaker. He was talking about how now he rarely speaks Spanish because maybe, he doesn't have confidence in his abilities. He's afraid of making mistakes. In the very first response to his message, one list member said:
It is such an obvious suggestion and one that is reiterated over and over again and one that can't be stressed enough. That is don't let mistakes stop you from connecting with people! Teachers almost always say the same thing to their students. Don't let fear of making mistakes prevent you from connecting with people. However, at the same time, we put fear of making mistakes into the students by testing them and giving them grades and by forcing them to perform in front of a group and then making a big deal of their mistakes by correcting them in front of everyone. That's like being publicly whipped for some students.
If you are interested, you can get more information about the Bilingual Families at the Bilingual Families Web Page.
URL: http://www.nethelp.no/cindy/biling-fam.html
My husband, a native Spanish speaker, who didn't learn English until late in life, always encourages me to just speak - don't let mistakes stop you from connecting with people. He says, "The important thing is to be able to communicate. If people can understand you, then you've accomplished the goal."
It is such an obvious suggestion and one that is reiterated over and over again and one that can't be stressed enough. That is don't let mistakes stop you from connecting with people! Teachers almost always say the same thing to their students. Don't let fear of making mistakes prevent you from connecting with people. However, at the same time, we put fear of making mistakes into the students by testing them and giving them grades and by forcing them to perform in front of a group and then making a big deal of their mistakes by correcting them in front of everyone. That's like being publicly whipped for some students.
If you are interested, you can get more information about the Bilingual Families at the Bilingual Families Web Page.
URL: http://www.nethelp.no/cindy/biling-fam.html
Fresh Butter on the Run
I was just considering the feasibility of making my own butter for baking and eating. Butter as you probably know, has gotten expensive and hard to come by, at least here in Japan. That means you have to bake without it. Bread has also gotten expensive. This is just terrible! No buttered toast anymore. My wife is a yenny pincher, you know. So in order to be able to eat yummy butter and have yummy buttery cookies and yellowed greasy popcorn, I’m considering making my own. I run almost everyday, so I figure maybe I can just put some milk in a bottle and carry it with me. What do you think? Do you think I can make fresh butter on my morning jogs? After all, one of the great pleasures of running is making up for the calories lost.
A Little Extra Help
We went to America for the holidays. We spent over 3 weeks there with my parents. I was really hoping that this would get Noelle started speaking English.
The first two days on the airplane and on the road were tough for her. On the second day she was tired and rejecting English. She said to her mother, "I'm tired of Daddy's". She didn't know what to say but we knew what she meant. She was tired of everyone speaking English all of a sudden all of the time. It was difficult for her to understand and foreign. But she knew it was the same "language" that her daddy uses.
Pretty soon she became the center of attention. Everyone was trying to talk to her and everyone was trying to play with her. She started to warm up. She started trying, trying so hard, to communicate.
In the end she learned a lot of English and got started talking in English. Now she is back in Japanese mode and trying to speak Japanese to me more and more but I am resisting. We have been back now for a month. Right after we got back both Noelle and my wife were speaking a lot of English. I was so happy. They are reverting back to Japanese now. I must do something to keep up their English. We just have to speak more English at home.
The first two days on the airplane and on the road were tough for her. On the second day she was tired and rejecting English. She said to her mother, "I'm tired of Daddy's". She didn't know what to say but we knew what she meant. She was tired of everyone speaking English all of a sudden all of the time. It was difficult for her to understand and foreign. But she knew it was the same "language" that her daddy uses.
Pretty soon she became the center of attention. Everyone was trying to talk to her and everyone was trying to play with her. She started to warm up. She started trying, trying so hard, to communicate.
In the end she learned a lot of English and got started talking in English. Now she is back in Japanese mode and trying to speak Japanese to me more and more but I am resisting. We have been back now for a month. Right after we got back both Noelle and my wife were speaking a lot of English. I was so happy. They are reverting back to Japanese now. I must do something to keep up their English. We just have to speak more English at home.
投稿 (Atom)