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Update on the Running in Hokkaido blog

 Hello runners! 

A bit of personal misfortune has made it so I can no longer run and not being able to run makes it hard to keep motivated to update this blog.  Over a year ago now, I suffered an obliterated disc that caused my legs to be somewhat paralyzed. My toes don't work very well and I cannot lift my toe with very much force.  This makes my ankles very unstable and also makes it hard to keep my balance and makes me more prone to tripping and falling There was no accident, just bad genes, I guess.  Apparently I only have three discs that still look healthy.  The others are all  like ticking time bombs.  I have had problems with my back and my neck for at least twenty years.  Regardless, it was a shock and it sucks.  

The Running in Hokkaido blog has not gotten much love for the last couple of years because of various things keeping me from it but it probably won't get any updates after this.  Much of the information may still be useful so I am not taking it down.  

If you find this blog and want some help with an event, I am still willing to offer my language skills to anyone in need.  Just leave a comment and I should notice it. 

Good luck and happy running!

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